What we do

Our work in MED GIAHS starts with the transfer of the joint strategy in sustainable tourism created in the VALSIPAM project which was developed in the frame of the SUDOE Interreg Programme, as MED GIAHS is a transfer project. We are going to review it and adapt it with lessons learnt and also to the Mediterranean area. This will lead to a MED-GIAHS strategy that will be the basis of the MED GIAHS network as it will set the tools and objectives to achieve measurable results on tourism and environmental terms.

A catalogue of touristic experiences was another product created in the former project. The methodology used and the results obtained were proved to be good and we are going to replicate it in MED GIAHS. Then, sustainable touristic resources of each territory in the frame of a GIAHS will be identified, catalogued and contextualised to inform tourists about the different sustainable touristic activities they could experience in these unique sites. Thus, each partner will elaborate its local sustainable tourism catalogue that will be included in a transnational one.

Due the specific characteristics of the GIAHS sites that make them unique in the world, people in the territory (farmers, producers, tourism businesses, technicians, administrations, associations, etc.) need to know about them and how to impulse them correctly. For that, a Joint Training Programme will be developed and implemented. It will increase the operational and knowledge skills of the stakeholders who will play a leading role in the definition of the future action plans, identifying the necessary type of training actions. It will define the suitable formats, the essential contents and the target groups. Also, a Joint guide for action plans that will let the territories impulse actions that are coherent with the MED GIAHS strategy.

And, obviously, learning from each other is another key element here, above all for the candidate GIAHS. For that, we will have study visits that will let us increase our capacity and that of the local stakeholders in two different ways: we will go deep into the knowledge of the best practices of the three project GIAHS sites (Valence, Andalusia and Assisi-Spoleto) and they will generate a reflection of the participants on how the companies are adding value to their products and services while preserving their unique ecosystem.

Our pilot areas, or the GIAHS that are going to be part of the network and, obviously, get benefit from the project are these ones here represented.

Directly participating in the project, there are 3 GIAHS sites recognised by FAO:

  • Malaga Raisin Production System in La Axarquía – Spain
  • Historical Irrigation System at l’Horta de València – Spain
  • ·Olive Grves of the Slopes between Assisi and Spoleto – Italy

And there are 3 GIAHS candidates in Europe:

  • Agricultural Heritage System: Bulgarian Rose agroecosystem of Rose Valley region – Bulgaria
  • The katuns in the Bjelasica, Komovi, and Prokletije region – Montenegro
  • ·Agricultural Heritage System: Gum Mastiha of Chios Island – Greece

In addition, there are also other GIAS sites recognised by FAO both in Europe and in North Africa taking part in the MED GIAHS project as associated partners:

  • The Agricultural System of Valle Salado de Añana – Spain
  • The Agricultural System Ancient Olive Trees Territorio Sénia – Spain
  • Gafsa Oases – Tunisia
  • Hanging gardens from Djebba El Olia – Tunisia
  • Ramli agricultural system in the lagoons of Ghar El Melh – Tunisia
  • Ghout Oasis system El Oued – Algeria
  • Oases System in Atlas Mountains – Morocco
  • Argan-based agro-sylvo-pastoral system within the area of Ait Souab – Ait Mansour – Morocco

All of them will form the MED GIAHS network. which is the culmination of the whole project, its raison d’être. This network will be a meeting place for cooperative learning aimed at agricultural heritage systems that want to promote sustainable tourism.

It is an integrated and joint solution to preserve GIAHS sites from threatening factors by a redefinition of tourism in a new more sustainable and innovative way that will contribute to creating more resilient livelihoods and diversify the income or local communities.

Our network, however, is always open for other Mediterranean GIAHS sites or candidates in the future.