Interreg Euro-MED - MED-GIAHS

MED GIAHS aims at the creation of a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Sites network to preserve and foster GIAHS by rebuilding and redefining tourism in a new and more sustainable way. The elaboration of a Joint Strategy on sustainable agricultural tourism, a Joint guide for the elaboration of GIAHS action plans, a catalogue of touristic experiences and a training plan for local actors on GIAHS sites will be the main products for the benefit of a total of 5 European and 6 Northern African GIAHS sites, in addition to the 3 candidates for GIAHS sites.


Malaga Raisins in la Axarquia GIAHS


The proyect will work to create a network of MED-GIAHS sites that have valuable agricultural, landscape, cultural, and natural heritage and resilient ecosystems but, however, face serious threats (climate change, globalization, low competitiveness, depopulation, loss of biodiversity and ancestral knowledge).

For which, the project will carry out:

  • MED GIAHS strategy.
  • Joint guide for action plans.
  • Study visits and mutual learning.
  • Sustainable tourism catalogues.
  • Trainig plan / pedagogical guide

The outputs and deliverables developed in the project are defined to be used in any other agricultural heritage systems to implement a sustainable tourism valorisation plan or strategy and createmore resilient livelihoods for local communities while uniquely combining tradition and innovation.




DURATION (months)


GIAHS sites

GIAHS Candidates